Instead of AMRAPS, try this great Kettlebell Workout for a change
If you’re looking for a new way to spice up your Kettlebell workouts, try this one on for size.
Get yourself a dice (or download a free dice app). What you roll is how many rounds you’re going to do. Some days you might get lucky, other days, not so much.
For example, for block 1 which consists of:
2KB Clean and Press x 7
Burpee in to Box Jump x 7
2KB Swings x 10
Roll the dice to see how many rounds you are going to do. Once you have completed the rounds, roll the dice again for the next block, and away you go again.
No need to go beyond about 45 min as your total workout time though, no matter what you end up rolling for that day. Just fit in what you can in that time frame. If you get stuck rolling 6’s on the first few, so be it.
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